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Hi, I'm Megan!

Teaching Experience:
Special Education Preschool
4th Grade Gifted & Talented
4th Grade General Education
Bachelors in Early Childhood and Special Education
Masters in Rethinking Elementary Education
Education Specialist in Instructional Design and Online Learning
Gifted and Talented Endorsement

Raving Reviews
"I love this resource! I have created a Math Wall and this is a huge part of it. My students reference the vocabulary all the time."
"This has been a game changer. Our district adopted iReady Math. I purchased the whole package and am ready to tackle the entire year!"
"My students love using this for morning work in their math journals. It's very engaging and the rigor it provides goes along with our standards!"
"I am obsessed with this resource. The Idaho History curriculum is soooo dull. This was so engaging and fun for my students."
"One of the best resources that I have bought on Teachers Pay Teachers. Easy to set up and for the children to follow. They absolutely loved this. I used this activity in a Design and Technology unit, where we have been looking at the mass production of food and assembly lines. This 'hands-on' activity gave my students a good understanding of the assembly line process and from there we were able to design our own assembly line to make 20+ real pizzas in class. Just loved it!”