If you're thinking about opening a store on Teachers Pay Teachers, you're stepping into an exciting world of educational resource sharing. As someone who has been selling educational materials online for eight years, I've certainly had my share of trial and error. One of the key lessons I've picked up along the way is the importance of continually updating my resources to increase traffic to my store and, subsequently, boost sales. I'm also sharing all my secrets and systems in my new Curriculum Design Course!
Learn how you can avoid these five frequent mistakes among new sellers:

1. Neglecting Previews:
When you're new to selling on Teachers Pay Teachers, it's crucial to understand that potential buyers often say "no" until they know enough to say "yes." Including a high-quality preview of your product is a game-changer. Instead of simply slapping a "Preview" watermark on your pages, take the time to design a full-screen image or PDF file that showcases the best aspects of your product. My course includes multiple template styles to guide you through creating compelling previews that captivate your audience.
2. Short Product Descriptions:
Early in my selling journey on Teachers Pay Teachers, I made the mistake of creating product descriptions that were less than 100 words. However, I've since learned the power of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). To increase the visibility of your resources, aim for descriptions with at least 300 words. Incorporate headings and relevant keywords to help your resource stand out in search results and attract more potential customers.

3. Underestimating Thumbnails:
Every time I finish creating a resource, I'm so excited to make it available to teachers! But don't underestimate the impact of a captivating thumbnail image. Taking the extra time to craft visually appealing thumbnails can significantly boost the chances of other sellers clicking on your resource amidst the vast marketplace.
4. Short Titles:
A brief title won't do your product any favors when it comes to visibility in searches. Utilize all 80 characters available for your title to maximize the chances of your resource matching a buyer's search terms. A more descriptive and comprehensive title can help potential customers find your product more easily.
5. Overpricing Products:
It's understandable that you may overprice your products, considering the time and effort it takes to create them. However, in the digital selling world, the beauty lies in the ability to create something once and sell it multiple times. Adjust your "hourly rate" assumptions and price your products in line with comparable items in the marketplace. If your product is significantly higher than similar resources, it's less likely to gain the traction you're seeking.
If you're opening a store on Teachers Pay Teachers, avoid these common pitfalls. By creating engaging previews, providing detailed descriptions, crafting eye-catching thumbnails, using comprehensive titles, and pricing your products competitively, you'll set yourself up for success in the world of educational resource sharing. Remember, continuous learning and adaptation are key to thriving as an online seller. Explore more strategies and techniques by joining my Curriculum Design Course! I'll guide you through the process step by step. Happy selling!