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Independent projects for gifted and talented students are a great way to engage early finishers. These 5th-grade math projects are fun for the end of the school year because they keep students engaged in academics when they grow tired of your typical routines. The creative activities invite students to practice math skills in every standard and then apply their learning to different design projects. This makes for an excellent end-of-the-year math review. 5th grade math and gifted and talented teachers will love using this print and digital resource with their students.


What’s Included in This 5th-Grade Math Enrichment Project Bundle?

✏️ 6 Fifth-Grade Math Projects

✏️ Printable PDFs + Google Slides Links

✏️ All projects have 5 math parts with three sections each: Practice, Apply, Create

✏️ Answer Keys + Examples



✏️ Reading Passages

✏️ Comprehension Questions

✏️ Creative Projects


Which 5th-Grade Math Projects are Included?

This bundle features six engaging project-based learning activities that are great for the end of the school year. You can use them in any order. I like assigning these independent projects to gifted and talented students and early finishers. Sometimes I use them with the whole-class at the end of specific math units.


Design a Cruise Ship: Multiplication & Division

  • Area Model
  • Partial Products
  • Standard Algorithm
  • Partial Quotients


Launch a Space Mission: Fractions

  • Add & Subtract with Unlike Denominators
  • Multiply Fractions & Mixed Numbers
  • Divide Unit Fractions


Design a Movie Theater: Decimals & Place Value

  • All Four Operations
  • Read, Write, Compare, Round (to thousandths)
  • Powers of 10


Design an Escape Room: Operations & Algebraic Thinking

  • Write & Evaluate Expressions
  • Analyze Patterns
  • Graph Coordinates


Design a Wildlife Sanctuary: Measurement Conversions

  • Customary & Metric
  • Multiplication as Scaling
  • Fraction Line Plots


Epic Aquariums: Volume & Geometry

  • Rectangular Prisms
  • Composite Shapes
  • 2D Shape Attributes


If you haven't tried project based learning at the end of the year, now is the perfect opportunity!


Hear about this 5th Grade Project-Based Learning Bundle from Educators Like You:
⭐️ “My students were so engaged with these projects! They loved the real-world connections and having the freedom to design different elements while practicing math skills.”

⭐️ “This resource is designed with students in mind. The examples help them practice skills before applying them to their own projects. It’s a fabulous format!"

⭐️ “The digital slides are beautifully designed and easy to use. I didn't have to print a single page. Students completed this project over the course of a month whenever they finished math work early."

⭐️ “I used this as an end-of-unit enrichment activity, and it was a hit! The scaffolded practice helped build confidence, and the ‘Create’ pages allowed for student choice.”

⭐️ “This was the perfect challenge for my gifted students! They worked through each part independently and had so much fun applying math in a meaningful way.”


Find answers to your questions about this Design a Wildlife Sanctuary Project:

✋ What materials will students need?

  • To complete all six projects, students will use a pencil, coloring materials, scissors, glue, and a centimeter ruler. Alternatively, they can complete the project on Google Slides.

✋ How long will it take to complete each project?

  • Every project will likely last multiple days. There are 5 separate math sections as well as extension activities (reading passages and creative pieces).

✋ Which grade will benefit the most from using this resource?

  • 5th Grade - This bundle includes projects that cover every fifth-grade Common Core standard. Students in 4th and 6th grade may also enjoy these projects, as well as students who participate in homeschooling programs.

Independent Projects Gifted & Talented Students 5th Math for the End of the Year

Megan Bell Smith of MB Creations 4 Education


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