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Do you work with students who struggle to be their best selves because of perfectionism? Use this doodle workbook to help your gifted and talented students cope with perfectionism. Discuss traits of perfectionists, strengths, struggles, and strategies as you help 3rd-5th grade students grow and develop. Talking about perfectionism with your students can help them reduce stress and anxiety in school.


Hear about this Perfectionism Workbook from educators like you!

⭐️ “This was so good for my 5th grade GATE students! Perfectionism is a tough topic that so many of mine struggle with, and this was a great introduction to it."

⭐️ “This is exactly what I was looking for! There are not many resources on this topic that are directed toward students -- most are geared toward teachers and parents who work with students. I love how simple and direct this was."

⭐️ “I used most of this booklet to introduce and discuss perfectionism with my gifted classes. It gave a great overview along with how to shift thinking and strategies to use when encountering perfectionist thoughts."

⭐️ “Amazing resource! I love the survey at the beginning of the workbook to see where student's are at. A great resource and starting point."

⭐️ “I am new to Elementary Counseling and needed this to work one-on-one with a student. Thank you so much for making this!"


Check out the contents of this Perfectionism Workbook:

✏️ Social Emotional Workbook Cover

✏️ Design a Bookmark Activity - Students choose their favorite strategies and make a bookmark to remind them of their tools. They can refer to this bookmark when they are needing help.

✏️ 8 Workbook Pages (See details below)

  • Defining Perfectionism - Perfectionism is the need to be or appear perfect in everything you do.
  • Self-Reflection - Students will rate their personalities to determine how frequently they respond in ways like a perfectionist.
  • Perfectionism Vs. Excellence - A perfectionist aims to do everything perfectly so they won’t make a mistake or look bad. A healthier view would be striving to become as good as you can and develop your skills.
  • Mistakes Are Good - Emphasizes how failures can lead to success.
  • What Will Likely Happen? - Students read through scenarios and practice focusing on reality.
  • Circle of Control - Students write examples of things that are within their circle of control.
  • 3 Additional Strategies to Try - Laugh About It, Flip Your Mindset, Speak Kindly to Yourself
  • Dream Big and Balance - Students make a list of new things they want to try and set goals for balancing work and play.


Use this Perfectionism Workbook in so many ways!

✅ Print copies for your self-contained gifted and talented class and work on one page a day.

✅ Meet with small groups of students during lunch or recess once a month to help them cope with perfectionism.

✅ Consider forming small intervention groups with gifted students to discuss important social-emotional skills such as perfectionism. Use this workbook to help!


Find answers to your questions about this Perfectionism Workbook:

✋ How long will it take to teach a lesson using this resource?

  • You can spend 30 - 60 minutes on one day teaching the pages in this workbook, but I recommend breaking it apart into multiple mini lessons. I like meeting with small groups of students for about 10 minutes each day and discussing only a few pages at a time.

✋ How will this help my gifted and talented students?

  • Young students who struggle with perfectionism may be unaware of the stress this adds to their daily life. Teaching about perfectionism can equip students with the tools they need to succeed.


Interested in another mini-lesson about perfectionism?


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Perfectionism Workbook - Empowering the Perfectionist - Social Emotional Gifted

Megan Bell Smith of MB Creations 4 Education


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