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Review school rules, classroom procedures, and behavior expectations after a holiday break. Edit these Google Slides and worksheets to help students participate in following directions activities. Choose from multiple review games that are easy to organize. This print and digital resource is great for elementary teachers who are looking for ready-to-use activities. Set clear expectations and refocus students' behaviors after a break from school.


Check out the contents of these Classroom Rules Activities:

✏️ PDF and Google Slides Link - Edit ALL of the text

✏️ Review Classroom Rules Presentation

  • Arrival, Classroom, Hallway, Restrooms, Lunch, Recess, Dismissal, Home, and Safety Procedures

✏️ Ready-to-Use Print & Digital Activities:

  • A Closer Look - Students reflect on their abilitiesto following school expectations.
  • Weekly Reflection - Students write about their behavior.
  • Finish the Story - Read each scenario. Have students write a positive choice they can make.
  • My School Rules Mini Book - Fold a one-page pocketbook. Write seven classroom expectations on the pages with your students.
  • Review Games - Print and cut apart the included review cards. Write additional prompts as needed. Play any turn-taking style game or choose from my favorite three ideas.
  • Make Your Own Bingo - Students write a school expectation or procedure in each box. If the teacher calls that rule, they cover the space.


Hear about these Behavior Review Activities from educators like you!

⭐️ “This is great for reviewing rules and procedures after a break! I showed a few slides before each transition and we played one of the games at the end of the day.”

⭐️ “I downloaded this resource and used it all in the same day. It was easy to present and required no prep. We reviewed slides all week long and played a review game on Friday afternoon. Students focused their attention throughout the week so they would be ready for the game."

⭐️ “My students loved these activities. They were easy to use and saved me time. It was great to see how reflective they became about making safe, responsible, and respectful choices in our classroom."

⭐️ “This resource has everything I needed! I printed the weekly behavior reflection form for my students' binders. During our dismissal routine, they reflect on our classroom expectations and set a goal for the next day. We look at these again when we finish morning work. The slides are also stunning and perfect for any elementary teacher."


Teach Procedures After a Break in so many ways!

✅ Choose from 70+ classroom procedure and expectation slides.

✅ Edit ALL of the text on the slides & worksheets in Google.

✅ Play easy review games with little to no prep.


Find answers to your questions about these School Expectations Slides and Worksheets:

✋ What materials do I need for the games?

  • Only one game requires materials: 5 plastic cups, tape, and 3 ping-pong balls

✋ Can I replace an image on one of the slides?

  • No, but you can add new images to the blank slide templates (included at the end of the presentation). All of the text is editable.


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Review Classroom Rules Expectations After Break Following Directions Activities

Megan Bell Smith of MB Creations 4 Education


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