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Looking for ready-to-go sub plans for your 4th and 5th grade gifted and talented classes? These multi-day plans will save you so much time. The “Think Like a Travel Agent” pages are ready to print - including directions for the substitute teacher. They are perfect for 4th and 5th-grade classes who want to be engaged in an exploration! 


⭐️ “This is the best bundle of ready-to-go sub plans for my gifted students. I teach in a self-contained gifted 4th-grade class. It’s always hard to find resources that include enough material to keep my gifted learners engaged for a full day! These substitute plans and worksheets gave my students plenty to do and took them deeper into a journey of exploring a career.”


Check out the contents of these No Prep Sub Plans for 4th & 5th Grade:

✏️ Today's Exploration Page (Morning Work)

✏️ Introduction Page

✏️ Math Practice Page & Math Activity Page

✏️ Reading Practice Page & Reading Activity Page

✏️ Writing Practice Page & Writing Activity Page

✏️ Art Project Page

✏️ Reflection Page (for the end of the day)

✏️ Fun Stuff Page (Extra)

✏️ Answer Keys (for applicable pages)


Hear about these No Prep Sub Plans for 4th & 5th Grade from educators like you!

⭐️ “Easily one of the best products I've purchased on TPT! Prep is extremely easy, makes moms with littles like myself not stress over getting emergency sub plans ready!”

⭐️ “I love to leave these for a sub. The kids enjoy the activities and all I had to do was copy!”

⭐️ “This was a perfect review/additional practice for my students while I was out during our geography unit, I love the themed activities for each subject!”


Use these No Prep Sub Plans for 4th & 5th Grade in so many ways!

✅ Quickly copy the sub plans and leave in a stack on your desk when you’re going to be absent.

✅ Copy and store a classroom set of sub plans in your filing cabinet. This way they are ready for whenever you have to call in sick!

✅ Use this resource for enrichment even if you're not going to be absent! These topics are fun to explore with gifted and talented students. It helps take their learning deeper!


Academic Topics Included in Think Like a Travel Agent:

✔ Math:

  • Multi-Digit Addition and Subtraction 
  • One and Two-Step Word Problems

✔ Reading:

  • Main Idea and Details
  • Character Analysis

✔ Writing

  • Homophones
  • Opinion Writing


Find answers to your questions about these No Prep Sub Plans for 4th & 5th Grade:

✋ What themes do you offer?

  • I currently offer three “Think Like a” Sub Plan Sets: Think Like a Travel Agent, Think Like a Cartographer, and Think Like a Biologist. These sets are ideal for 4th and 5th grade students. If using in a general education classroom, one set of plans may cover two days of instruction. With my gifted 4th-grade students, one set typically spanned 1 to 1.5 days of class time. When I had to be out for an entire week, my students loved learning with these engaging activities.

✋ How do you like to organize substitute plans?

  • I copy substitute plans and leave them in a filing cabinet with a label. I always sort them by day of the week. Then, I keep information about our daily routine and students' schedules in a binder at the front of this filing cabinet. Finally, I show a teammate where to find my ready-to-go materials in case I have to call in sick. They simply pull out the folder with that day of the week and the sub is ready to go!

✋ What parts of this file are digital?

  • If you don’t want to copy every page, some of the pages are included in TPT Easel. You must purchase on TPT if you wish to use TPT Easel. You can assign work easily by sharing a link with students. This can definitely save you time if you weren’t planning on being out of your classroom.


4th & 5th Grade No Prep Multi-Day Sub Plans - Gifted & Talented Themed Lessons

Megan Bell Smith of MB Creations 4 Education


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